
The concept of environmentally friendly products and solutions in Consolis enterprises

At Consolis, we have set a goal of creating a sustainable environment, which in our field means, above all, to provide CO2-neutral products and solutions in the market. It is a challenging journey, but every step towards our goal is crucial for the future. The contribution and attitude of all of us count – as our products and solutions often serve as the backbone of buildings, we, ourselves, must also have the backbone to take this responsibility and really care for the environment and move towards a sustainable future.

Consolis Climate Commitments

We always strive for close customer partnerships which is also crucial from a sustainability standpoint. Contributing the most in the initial phase of the project, when the client's expectations as well as the solution options are defined, close cooperation can significantly influence the project's results.
1. Partnerlussuhted klientidega

Püüdleme alati tiheda koostöö suunas oma klientidega, sest see on oluline ka jätkusuutlikkuse seisukohast.
Panustades enim just projekti algusfaasis, mil defineeritakse kliendi ootused kui ka lahenduse valikud, suudab tihe koostöö mõjutada oluliselt projekti tulemusi.
We carefully plan the use of the right elements and connections in the right places to optimize the structural solution and provide maximum durability of the building and minimize the carbon footprint.
2. Nutikas projekteerimine

Kavandame hoolikalt õigete elementide ja ühenduste kasutamist õigetes kohtades, et optimeerida konstruktsioonilahendust ja pakkuda ehitise maksimaalset kestvust ning minimeerida süsiniku jalajälge.
We prefer to procure from the local market. Our factories are located close to the buildings and communities we help develop.
We conduct assessments of our key raw material suppliers to ensure that suppliers are using appropriate environmental protection measures.
3. Vastutustundlik hankekorraldus

Hankeid eelistame teha kohalikult turult.
Meie tehased asuvad hoonete ja kogukondade lähedal, mida arendada aitame.
Viime läbi hindamist oma peamiste tooraine tarnijate osas, et olla kindlad tarnijate asjakohaste keskkonnahoiu meetmete kasutamises.
The production process of our prefab products allows us to optimize raw materials, minimize waste and energy used for production, and ensure quality at every step.
4. Tööstuslik tootmine

Meie monteeritavate toodete tootmisprotsess võimaldab optimeerida tooraine kasutamist, minimeerida jäätmeid ning tootmiseks kuluvat energiat ja tagada kvaliteedi igal sammul.
Reducing the climate impact is one of the most important challenges we and the whole industry are facing.
Green Spine Line®  is our initiative for certifying our sustainable products with at least 15% lower CO2 emission than local industry standards.
5. Green Spine Line®  

Keskkonnamõju vähendamine on meie ja kogu tööstusharu üks olulisemaid väljakutseid. Green Spine Line® on meie loodud keskkonnasõbralike toodete sari, mille eesmärk on luua sertifitseeritud tooted, mille CO2 emissioon on vähemalt 15% madalam kui tööstusharu kohalik keskmine.
Our climate commitments are the foundation of our operations, and we are proud to be a part of developing and serving local communities for a long time to come. Well built for well-being – that is the reason we exist.
6. Jätkusuutlikud hooned

Meie keskkonnaalased lubadused on meie tegevuste aluseks. Oleme uhked, et saame osaleda kohaliku elukeskkonna arendamisel ja meie lahendused teenivad ühiskonda veel kaua. Well built for well-being – see on meie eksisteerimise põhjus.
At Consolis, we have set a goal of creating a sustainable environment, which in our field means, above all, to provide CO2-neutral products and solutions in the market. It is a challenging journey, but every step towards our goal is crucial for the future. The contribution and attitude of all of us count – as our products and solutions often serve as the backbone of buildings, we, ourselves, must also have the backbone to take this responsibility and really care for the environment and move towards a sustainable future
Consolis international engagements and commitments ensure that our environmental efforts have real effect and take us in the right direction:

🌎 By 2030, climate-neutral concrete will enter the market and our longer-term vision is that all concrete should be climate-neutral. At Consolis we have launched Consolis Green Spine Line® – our certified precast solutions with at least 15% lower CO2 emission than local industry standards.
🌎At Consolis, we are determined to take the lead in the sustainable transformation of our industry, with the goal of being climate neutral by year 2050.
🌎At Consolis, we are committed to increase circularity. By recycling and reusing concrete, we can reduce the use of virgin materials and further reduce our environmental impact.
🌎 We push ourselves and our industry forward, our environmental efforts are measured with Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs).
🌎 87 percent of Consolis precast concrete products are produced in 36 plants that have a certified Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) in place.
🌎 CODE Standard Environment - Most of our production sites apply Consolis own lean-based concept, ensuring that Consolis high standards are followed throughout production.
🌎 The well-being of our employees, partners, customers or anyone visiting our production sites is our top priority, and we aim for zero accidents.
🌎 We are committed to being an attractive employer with safe, collaborative workplaces and environments where people and teams reach great results.

Watch and listen to the video by Mikael Stöhr, CEO of Consolis, and read more about the topic
Consolis sustainability

Consolis Latvija environmental declarations

Consolis Latvija is committed to contributing to an environmentally friendly and sustainable future. Consolis Baltics business unit, which also includes Consolis Latvija, was granted environmental product declarations (EPDs). Documents issued by a third party provide an overview of the environmental impacts of reinforced concrete elements manufactured by Consolis Latvija.
We always strive for close customer partnerships which is also crucial from a sustainability standpoint. Contributing the most in the initial phase of the project, when the client's expectations as well as the solution options are defined, close cooperation can significantly influence the project's results.
We carefully plan the use of the right elements and connections in the right places to optimize the structural solution and provide maximum durability of the building and minimize the carbon footprint.
We prefer to procure from the local market. Our factories are located close to the buildings and communities we help develop.
We conduct assessments of our key raw material suppliers to ensure that suppliers are using appropriate environmental protection measures.
The production process of our prefab products allows us to optimize raw materials, minimize waste and energy used for production, and ensure quality at every step.
Reducing the climate impact is one of the most important challenges we and the whole industry are facing.
Green Spine Line®  is our initiative for certifying our sustainable products with at least 15% lower CO2 emission than local industry standards.
Our climate commitments are the foundation of our operations, and we are proud to be a part of developing and serving local communities for a long time to come. Well built for well-being – that is the reason we exist.
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